How many squats a day to lose belly fat


How many squats a day to lose belly fat? Are you looking to lose belly fat? Are you also fed up with being overweight or obese and looking for a method that can give you proven results? Well, the hunt ends here.

We are here to tell you the right way in which you can lose excess fat without going hard on your body.

Before we proceed further. Let us tell you that neither it is not possible, nor it is the right way to lose fat from a particular section of your body. Be it face fat or belly fat.

If you are genuinely looking to lose weight you have to focus on your overall body. Rather than one specific area.

You should be comfortable in whatever size and shape you are. However, it is always the right way to make necessary efforts to become better or get rid of excessive fat.

Not to show the world that you look attractive when being slim but for your own body’s well-being. Coming back to the point- how are squats gonna help you lose weight?

Well, Squats are one of the most famous yet favorite exercises of most fitness enthusiasts. If you are willing to lose weight. Then doing squats on an everyday basis can be game-changing for you.

How, here’s how –

When you do squats, it not only engages your entire body’s muscles but also helps in burning calories. It has an abundance of other benefits as well that we will be discussing in this article.

So without any further ado, let’s dive into the details –

Is it possible to lose weight just by doing Squats every day?

Well, before we proceed further with the article. Let us tell you that no particular exercise can ever help you in losing weight. Unless and until you have a balanced diet as well as proper lifestyle changes.

People often indulge themselves in crash diets or go very heavy with workouts without having a balance of both. And hence they end up injuring themselves or experiencing adverse effects on their bodies.

Why does this happen?

No matter how obese or overweight you are. You should never go very hard with your body with the obsession of losing weight. Weight is something you have gained over the years. Hence it can’t be lost within a few weeks or months.

For example. If it takes 5 to 6 years or maybe a lifetime to gain weight. Then you can’t expect to lose the excess weight within a few weeks or months.

Although there are crash diets and artificial and natural methods of losing weight ( like surgeries, injections, and making the body via steroids), etc. That can help you to get rid of that excessive fat quickly and easily.

As it is said anything which is not natural will lead to adverse consequences in the future.

Which is something that no one would want in order to sustain a healthy body in the long run.

The sole motive of this article is not to mislead or misguide our readers regarding losing weight rapidly. But to tell you the right method which can help you achieve the right figure & lose weight. But definitely not within a span of a few days or weeks.

When we talk about weight loss. It has to be a perfect combination of a good workout routine, a balanced diet that suits your body with a good lifestyle without sedentarism.

If you know your body well. If you implement all the positive lifestyle changes along with working out every day and eating clean food. Then definitely you will see positive changes in your body.

Now that we have enough knowledge about the phenomena of weight loss. Let’s see how doing squats can help you in losing fat.

calorie calculator

Benefits of doing squats for losing weight –

Squatting is a very easy exercise that requires no fancy gym equipment or trainer guidance. You can easily do it in the comfort of your home or on your terrace, or balcony. Whenever you feel like doing it.

You simply have to bend your knees to work your entire body and hold the position for quite some time. And there you go you have already done the perfect squat.

You can also find various tutorials on YouTube that can help you get into the perfect squat position. This exercise is very good for remodeling and has multiple other benefits including –

Good for muscle development –

Since squats are known to be a complete body exercise. As it works on your thighs, hamstrings, and buttocks with the abdominals. It helps you engage all your body muscles at once.

Apart from that, your lower back, calves, and abductors are also engaged when you do squats.

Polyarticular is another name for squats that strengthens your ankles, hips, and knees. If you want to strengthen and focus, especially on the lower body parts.

Then this exercise will be the best fit for you. It helps in muscle development while improving your overall strength of the body and health improves your balance and posture.

All you have to do is take out a few minutes from your everyday busy schedule to sculpt the perfect body that you always manifested for.

Boosts your athletic ability –

If you are into sports. Squatting can be a great workout option for strengthening your legs and improving your speed and athletic performance.

To increase the intensity of your squats. You can also try different variations for activating more muscles. You can incorporate some weights in your squats like resistance bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, yoga balls, etc into your sessions.

Squats and fat burning –

Most fitness coaches and fitness centers recommend doing squats for losing weight as it is a whole-body workout. and it is believed that more muscles engaged while doing any particular workout ensures more energy and power in the body.

If you want to make squatting more fun and engaging then instead of sitting on your sofa binge-watching some show you can rather get up and do squats while you watch your favorite show.

This will not only make your workout more fun but you will end up doing more exercise than usual as you will watch your favorite TV show as well as work towards building your body at the same time.

It is scientifically proven that squatting does promote weight loss and people who prefer squatting tend to lose more calories than anybody who does weights. Here’s how –

Let’s understand this with an easy example: any person whose weight is 70 kg would approximately burn 223 calories while squatting as compared to burning 112 calories through lifting weights.

lose weight

If you want to burn that excess fat from your body quickly then you can also go for other intense variants of squatting and one of the variants could be the skipped squad, which is known to be more of a cardio exercise.

This variation of squat involves jumping after each squat and helps you burn more calories than the usual Squats.

Squatting helps in strengthening your abs –

When you do squats it allows the lower body to get engaged along with the abdominal strap.

To do squats the right and effective way you have to make sure that your back is straight. If you do it the wrong way it can damage your back area and result in injury.

The more you focus on your posture the more it can help in strengthening your abs.

How many squats in a day to lose weight?

If you want to lose excessive belly fat through squatting then you have to be regular with your workout. Make sure to involve squatting in your everyday workout routine to burn more calories and get better results.

Well, the reason you are reading this article here is definitely to know the exact number of Squats for losing weight. Aren’t you? 

Well, not to disappoint you but to give you a clear picture. there is no definite figure that is proven for losing weight.


How many squats a person does totally depends on their activity level and body condition. Some people can do squats for 15 to 20 minutes while others might get tired in 5 minutes. It all depends on your body’s potential and capabilities.

Nevertheless just to give you an idea for any person with a normal BMI (body mass index) it is usually recommended to do 4 sets of 15 repetitions of squats daily.

Once you start practicing every day you will slowly and gradually become more refined through the process and then you can increase the number at your convenience.

Another effective yet famous method for losing weight while doing squats is the 30-day squat challenge. We are sure you must have heard about this 30-day program of squats that helps you lose weight quickly.

The criteria of this famous 30-day squat challenge are very simple: you have to do squats daily and you have to increase the number of squats that you do every day gradually with every passing day.

For example, if you do 30 squats on your first day you have to do 40 squats on the second day and the cycle goes on. The number that you increase every day totally depends on your body’s activity level.

Usually, the target should be 250 squats towards the end of the month. During this entire process, you can take a rest every 4 days and then repeat the cycle.

The correct way to do squats –

Although squatting is a very simple and easy yet effective exercise, if you don’t do it the right way it can definitely damage your knees or back area. Hence performing it correctly is extremely important.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while you do your squats –

  • When you are in the starting position make sure to stand with your shoulders and your feet wide & apart from each other.
  • Your shoulders should be low while you are chest area should be raised.
  • When you bend your knees keep in mind to band them without sticking out past your toes.
  • In simpler words, your body weight should be distributed equally over all of your feet. You should feel like you are sitting on a chair.
  • One of the most important points to keep in mind is that you should breathe in when you go your way down and breed out when you move your way up during the squats.

Bottom line

As we already give you a disclaimer above no particular exercise can ever make you lose weight magically within a short span of time.

If you don’t implement other necessary changes in your lifestyle including a balanced diet, time management, stress level management, sleep cycle, etc.

Squatting is an efficient yet challenging exercise that helps ton your entire body if done correctly. 

However, it is always recommended to start slow and not go straight up to doing 100 squats on the first day itself. It is always recommended to set realistic goals that are easy and practical to achieve.

Once you are familiar with doing the squats with the right posture you can definitely increase the number of reps every day. You can also take the 30-day squat challenge later on.

If you are a beginner then it is suggested to start with less than 50 repetitions of squats on your first day.0 And then increase the number while adding 5 more to 8 with every passing day.

Once you complete the hundred mark you can increase the number as much as you want to keep in mind your body’s potential.

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