stiff legged deadlift dumbbell

stiff legged deadlift dumbbell

The very famous dumbbell stiff leg deadlift exercise is also known as the dumbbell straight leg deadlift. Which basically focuses on building strength in your glutes and hamstrings.

It is best known for boosting lower body strength. As well as helping you to get better at doing other exercises.

We have created a series of two posts about deadlift exercises using dumbbells. So if you want further information you can check those blogs on our website as well.

In this article, we will be discussing how the muscles work when you do the dumbbell stiff leg deadlift exercise. The methods to do the exercise the right way as well as its advantages and drawbacks.

But before we dive into these topics let’s first understand what a stiff leg deadlift Dumbbell is.

What is stiff leg deadlift dumbbell exercise all about?

This exercise is a variation of your regular deadlift exercise. That focuses mainly on standing the back body muscles that include hamstrings, glutes, lats, and calves.

The posterior chain is the name of the group of muscles that are essential for gaining athletic power and strength.

So if you are looking forward to building athletic power and strength. And focusing on your posterior chain group of muscles. Then the stiff leg deadlift dumbbell exercises can be the right one for you.

This exercise also integrates hip flexion as well as hip extension and helps in the isolating movement to contribute to force production. This exercise also has certain variations so that you can improve your range of motion.

How to do the stiff leg deadlift dumbbell exercise –

If you are bored of doing your regular training regime and looking for a change. Then you can try the stiff-legged deadlift dumbbell exercise which is a variation of your regular typical deadlift.

However, just like any other deadlift exercise you need to be very mindful of the steps that you follow while doing it. As if you follow the wrong process instead of benefiting your body you can end up injuring yourself.

Below mentioned are the steps that you must follow while doing the exercise –

Step 1-

The first step is the easiest one as you just need to pick your favorite preferred weights. This exercise can also be done with kettlebells, dumbbells, or a loaded barbell.

Usually, it is recommended to pick a weight that is suitable for you. And that you are able to handle comfortably for at least 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps.

If you are clueless and can’t figure out the right weight. Then in such doubt case scenarios, it is better to start with lightweight and then work your way up.

Step 2 –

Once you have chosen the right weight according to your body then you have to stand tall. Make sure that your feet and shoulder have a certain distance and then hold your marble in front of you.

Face your farms and start your rep with the standing position.

Step 3-

Now have a soft bend in your knees while you hang forward using your hip area and keep your back straight.

Depending on your flexibility level, keep folding at your hips below your knees and feel the slight tension that is built up in your glutes and hamstrings.

Step 4-

Now in the 4th and last step, you can extend back into your standing position slowly and steadily. Make sure that your spine is kept neutral while you do this and keep your arm area extended and relaxed.

A very important note here is to make sure that each rep is carried out very carefully and slowly. And don’t be in a hurry while you do this exercise.

As rush movements can result in pain and injury which is why it is important to resist the urge. As this can result in the reduction of muscle engagement as well.

Once you have nailed the correct form and you are a pro, then you can definitely increase your weight. Also if you feel even slight difficulty while doing the exercise.

it is recommended to stop in between and rather do it in front of a fitness trainer. Or watch tutorials to understand the correct posture and procedure for doing the same.

Muscles targeted while doing the dumbbells stiff-legged deadlift –

Primary muscle groups –

As mentioned above in the article this exercise works majorly on your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back area and engages all the four muscles of your leg.

While doing this exercise you might notice a deep stretch in these primary muscle groups. And this is an indication that the exercise is actually working on your body the right way.

The three muscle groups that make the gluteus are gluteus maximus medius and minimus. And our dumbbell stiff-legged deadlift exercises help target this whole group.

It is known to best work for the gluteus maximus is known to be the largest of all the three muscles.

There is also a muscle called the erector spinae muscle that is on your lower back. And this muscle is also worked effectively while doing the straight-legged deadlift dumbbell exercise.

The three muscle groups that come under the erector spinae are – spinalis, longissimus, and iliocostalis. All these muscle groups not only help to maintain flexibility in your body. But also supports your spine when your body bends in different directions.

Secondary muscle groups –

What we learned above were the primary muscle groups that are targeted while doing this exercise. Now, will discuss the secondary muscle groups that are engaged while doing the dumbbell stiff-legged deadlift.

When it comes to secondary muscle groups this exercise majorly works on your core muscles. When your obliques and abdominals contract while stabilizing your body.

Benefits of doing dumbbells if leg deadlift –

Help increase hamstring and glute muscle mass –

This exercise effectively activates muscle fiber in your hamstrings and glutes which results in the growth of your individual muscle cells which is called hypertrophy.

This ensures that the lower half body looks more defined and appears larger with great muscle mass. But also helps improve your performance when you do barbell squat exercises and other deadlift exercises.

Helps in increasing your healthy gains –

Since this exercise focuses on your hamstrings it helps you in lifting weights actively while increasing the tension on your hamstrings and hence results in an increase of healthy gains.

Helps improve athletic performance –

If you add this particular deadlift exercise to your everyday workout routine it will definitely help in improving your overall athletic performance. If we talk about other exercises such as jumping, running, walking, or athletic movements it all boils down to your body areas such as hips strength endurance, and form. Hence the stiff-legged deadlift dumbbell exercise makes you strong and helps in building your power output and performance in athletics.

It is an adaptable and versatile exercise –

The reason why we call this exercise to be versatile and adaptable is that it can be executed in multiple ways. You have the liberty to choose between dumbbells, loaded barbells, or even kettlebells.

Mistakes that need to be avoided when you do the dumbbell stiff leg deadlift exercise

  • The most common mistake people make while doing the exercise is rounding the back
  • You must avoid bringing the dumbbell away from your body during the deadlift variation as it can add unnecessary weight to your toes and stress your back area.
  • Doing the motion fastly is another common mistake that needs to be avoided because if you rush through the process it can result in injuries and prevent gains.
  • Lifting weights with locked knees
  • Bending too much and stressing your legs.

Disadvantages of doing dumbbell stiff leg deadlift exercise-

While this exercise can offer you an abundance of benefits it can also have certain disadvantages for certain people-

  • It’s not the aptest variation for beginners – If you have not yet mastered deadlifts then doing this variation can be a little injurious for your body.
  • Can be unsuitable for people who are practicing at home – Although if you have the equipment like dumbbells barbells or kettlebells at home you can do this exercise easily if you know the process however it is usually recommended to do it under the guidance of a professional trainer so that he can guide you throughout if you get into a wrong posture making sure that your motion is correct. Hence if you are not yet a pro at it doing this exercise, trying it out alone at home might be the best decision.

Variations of Dumbbell stiff leg deadlift –

As we discussed above there are multiple variations of this exercise that you can pick and choose according to your body goals and preferences some of the variations are as follows –

  • Kettlebell stiff leg deadlift
  • Banded stiff leg deadlift
  • Alternating bodyweight stiff leg deadlift

Alternatives of dumbbells stiff-legged deadlift –

If you tried and enjoyed doing the dumbbell stiff leg deadlift exercise then we are also mentioning below certain alternatives of this exercise that also improve your muscle mass and lower body training. Alternatives of dumbbell stiff leg deadlift exercise could be-

  • Bible Romanian deadlift
  • Glute ham raise
  • Bulgarian split squat

Top 5 exercises to supplement any deadlift training –

If you like doing deadlifting then here are the five exercises that you can add as a supplement to your deadlift training regime that can definitely help you get better results-

  1. Romanian deadlifts
  2. Single leg deadlift
  3. elevated deficit pulls
  4. Nordic curls or glute ham raises
  5. Hip thrusts

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