Tag Archives: muscle building

What is a Metabolic Workout? The Key to Fitness Success

what is a metabolic workout

What Are Metabolic Workouts? 1.1. What is a Metabolic Workout? Metabolic workouts have gained significant traction in the fitness world, promising efficient calorie burning and muscle building. But what exactly are metabolic workouts? At their core, these workouts are designed to optimize your body’s metabolic processes to enhance calorie expenditure and boost muscle endurance. They […]

Endomorph Diet and Workout Plan: Unlocking Success

Endomorph diet and workout plan

What is the Endomorph diet and workout plan? The endomorph is representative of the body types that have had unique fitness challenges of their torus shapes, which makes them have round physiques. Unlike their thinner counterparts, many of these people have problems with weight management. In this article, we will discuss an integral approach for […]

Rope Hammer Curls

rope hammer curl

Rope hammer curls? Do you like doing arm-focused exercises? If yes, then this article is for you. The rope hammer curls are the exercise that you’re probably looking for. It is performed using a rope handle that is attached to a weight stack.  This particular exercise targets your forearms as well as brachialis muscles at […]

Tricep Cable Kickbacks

Cable Tricep Kickback

Tricep cable kickbacks are one of those effective exercises that help with tricep isolation. Its main motive is improving your upper body strength and aesthetics. If you are a fitness enthusiast and your goal is to work on your upper body strength and size then the cable tricep kickback workout is ideal for you. This […]

Back and bicep workout women

Back and bicep workout women

Back and bicep workout women? Just like workout and weight lifting is important for every individual. The emphasis on women’s health and fitness has been the talk of the town for the past few years. Women have become more aware and mindful of their bodies and workout as compared to the previous era. It is […]

One dumbbell workout for chest

One dumbbell workout for chest

One dumbbell workout for the chest? If you have a dumbbell at home you can legit try out so many exercises and benefit from them. Using dumbbells the right way can help you to focus on your shoulders, arms, legs, core muscles, chest, etc. We have shared a series of exercises that can be done […]

stiff legged deadlift dumbbell

stiff legged deadlift dumbbell

The very famous dumbbell stiff leg deadlift exercise is also known as the dumbbell straight leg deadlift. Which basically focuses on building strength in your glutes and hamstrings. It is best known for boosting lower body strength. As well as helping you to get better at doing other exercises. We have created a series of […]

Sumo deadlift dumbbell

Sumo deadlift dumbbell

Sumo deadlift dumbbell? Everyone has their one favorite form of exercise that they love doing every single day. It could be push-ups, pilates, pull-ups, running on a treadmill, or deadlifts. Now just like push-ups have different categories and variations with different methods. Similarly, deadlifts also come with categories and one of them is the sumo […]

How many protein shakes a day

How many protein shakes a day

How many proteins shakes a day? Protein intake differs from person to person and their health goals. There are people who are into muscle building and intense workouts that obviously intake much more protein. Then a normal human with regular physical activity only. Talking about the ideal intake. The amount of protein you should be […]