Chicken Shake – The Unique Health Benefits

chicken shake

Chicken Shake has unique benefits for health, weight loss, and more. Do you remember the times when your mother forced you to drink chicken soup every time you fell sick? Ever wondered why?

It is a comforting food that provides strength and vital nutrients to your body to fight off infections easily. But we hated how it tasted. But what if you get the goodness of chicken but with better taste and flavor?

Well, the answer is chicken shake!

This article will discuss how beneficial it is, the recipe, and how much should you consume.

What is a chicken protein shake?

Our generation is obsessed with shakes. Like, Mango shakes, Banana shake that tastes yum. But now, another shake that has become prominent is a Chicken protein shake.

What is a chicken shake made of? Just as the name suggests, a chicken protein shake is a protein soup with chicken goodness. It is loaded with vital nutrients, which are essential for our body to heal and fight off diseases.

Now you might be wondering how different is it from chicken soup. Well, we are here to answer that. Chicken soup is made from chicken without the broth– it tastes basic and does not taste that good. On the other hand, the chicken shake is more of a meal.

It provides macros and nutrients to your body. Many sportspeople and athletes consume it to maintain their bodies.

If you are not a soup person, a chicken protein shake would be your favorite.


Wonder who came up with the idea of the chicken shake? We all know that it sounds weird. Who thought about mixing chicken and shake together?

Well, the concept of chicken shake came into being 12 years back. But it was not a common household name as people found it weird.

But the famous bodybuilder Daine talked about his obsession with a chicken protein shake and that helped it to become prominent


How to make a chicken shake?

What comes to your mind when you hear the term ‘chicken protein shake’? A chicken blended into a shake that is rich in protein, right? Well, yes, that’s correct. It is a rich source of protein and, when loaded with berries and consumed in the form of a shake– provides instant energy. Besides, it is a comforting food that helps your body fight off infections when you are sick.

Now that you know what it is, you might wonder how to make one yourself. Well, it’s simple.

Here are the ingredients:

  • 5 cups of chicken breast (65g protein, 7.5g fat, 0g carbs)
  • 7 cups of white rice (7.7g protein, 0.9g fat, 80g carbs)
  • Two egg whites (7g protein, 0g fat, 0g carbs)
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil (0g protein, 30g fat, 0g carbs)
  • A handful of spinach

 However, suppose you don’t have the time and energy to make one for yourself. All you need to do is blend and gulp it down. In that case, you can buy chicken shake powder available in retail stores. Moreover, they taste better than the ones you make at home. So, make your choice according to your preference.

Suffice it to say, the supplements available in the retail stores come in a variety of flavors that caters to your food tastes and make it yummier. They also contain added mixes of berries and other healthy fruits to make it a wholesome meal.

How much chicken shake should you consume?

There is an ongoing debate on how much it should be consumed. Some dieticians suggest that consuming shakes once a day is optimal if you are a normal person with a sedentary lifestyle.

However, if you are a sportsperson, it is recommended twice a day. Suffice it to say, too much of everything can be dangerous. So, consult a dietician or your doctor before taking it in large amounts.


Chicken shake is a comfort drink when you are sick. It is loaded with vital nutrients, that can help you stay healthy and fit. And help to keep you warm. High source of fluid. It boosts your immune system to fight off diseases and helps in getting better. 

Each shake provides about:

  • 1,000 calories
  • 80 grams protein
  • 80 grams carbs
  • 35 grams fat

This means you get instant macrophages and nutrients in literally 10 seconds. Due to this reason, it is widely used for bodybuilding.

Besides, one shake also provides–

The chicken and rice, of course, give the requisite protein and carbs, but one soup also provides about,

  • 140% of the daily intake of iron
  • 200% of the daily intake of Vitamin K
  • 60% of the daily Vitamin A
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin E
  • Selenium
  • Magnesium
  • Nitrates (which might help sports performance)
  • Phytonutrients and antioxidants like lutein, zeaxanthin, and quercetin.

So, it would help if you gave this food a try.

Chicken Shake as an immune booster food

Our immunity plays an integral role in our health. If we have a poor immune system, we are likely to fall ill every once in a while– rendering us weak to fight off severe diseases. They are easy to prepare, freeze well, keep you hydrated, are less expensive, and boost your immune system

In such cases, consuming it can be beneficial for you. It is loaded with nutrients. It can help you build your immunity. Also, when we fall sick, we lose our appetite. Still, it can be gulped down immediately as a drink. Which provides all the vital nutrients essential for your body.

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Chicken Shake for bodybuilding

Since it acts as a magic potion– providing all the essential nutrients instantly, it has gained popularity amongst sportspeople and bodybuilding. Athletes are constantly looking for options that can help in building muscles and provide energy.

Many famous bodybuilders such as Holder Blaine mentioned that they rely entirely on this shake for energy in their interviews. He also loves to spice up his soup with berries to add more zeal to the drink.


While a group of schools feels chicken shake is weird and tastes terrible, the recent launch of various flavors fills the gap. If you want to make it in the kitchen, you can do that too. But, keep in mind. that the nutrient content of the shake should be consumed by people, athletes, or not.

If you fall sick now and then, a chicken protein shake can be your comfort food. So, do give it a try.

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