Why am I craving beans so bad? Unraveling the Mystery

why am I craving beans

Why am I craving beans so bad? Does it happen to you that sometimes you feel like eating certain food items? Usually, people miss the most pungent, spicy, sour, and sweet things.

In this too, most of the time, there is a craving for junk foods, processed foods, and food items that are high in calories.

Although there is no fixed time for food cravings, people usually have food cravings when they are empty, bored, or stay up late at night.

But is the food craving just on your mind or is there a sign of it? And what should you do if you have a craving for something unhealthy? Let us tell you all the things related to food cravings.

If after watching an image or video of food, you feel like eating it, then it is due to the psychological effect. In which you remember the taste of the food as soon as you see the picture and you feel like eating it.

But apart from this. If you suddenly feel like eating something special while sitting, then it means that there is a deficiency of some elements in your body. For the supply of which the body is demanding to eat the food related to your cravings.

Under what conditions do food cravings occur?

Understanding Food Cravings

Food cravings are a complex interplay of physiological and psychological factors that drive individuals to desire specific foods.

Understanding the concept of food cravings involves exploring the triggers and circumstances that give rise to these intense urges.

Common Triggers for Food Cravings:

1. Emotional States:

A. Emotional fluctuations play a significant role in triggering food cravings. Stress, sadness, happiness, and anxiety can evoke a desire for specific comfort foods.

B. Explore how emotions influence our food choices and how individuals may turn to certain foods as a coping mechanism during emotional highs and lows.

2. Sleep Patterns:

A. Insufficient sleep and irregular sleep patterns can disrupt the body’s hormonal balance, impacting hunger and satiety hormones.

B. Discuss the link between sleep deprivation and an increased inclination towards cravings, particularly for energy-dense and sugary foods as a quick energy boost.

3. Dehydration:

A. Inadequate hydration can sometimes be misinterpreted by the body as hunger, leading to cravings.

B. Explain how staying hydrated can help reduce unnecessary cravings and the importance of distinguishing between thirst and hunger cues.

4. Nutrient Deficiencies:

A. Explore the connection between nutrient deficiencies and specific food cravings. For example, chocolate cravings may indicate a need for magnesium.

B. Discuss how the body signals its requirements through cravings, and how addressing nutritional gaps can alleviate these desires.

5. Hormonal Changes:

A. Hormonal fluctuations, such as those during menstruation or pregnancy, can influence food cravings.

B. Explain how hormonal changes impact neurotransmitters, affecting mood and cravings, and provide insights into managing these cravings during different life stages.

6. Environmental Cues:

A. External stimuli, such as advertisements, food visuals, or the aroma of certain foods, can trigger cravings.

B. Discuss how environmental cues contribute to the mental aspect of cravings and how mindfulness can help in managing responses to these triggers.

7. Associations with Positive Memories:

A. Certain foods are associated with positive memories, leading to cravings based on emotional connections rather than physiological needs.

B. Explore how past experiences and memories shape our food preferences and cravings.

What should you do if you have a craving for a particular food?

craving for a particular food

If you ever have a craving for food, especially junk food, then you can adopt these methods.

1. Want to eat something sweet?

If you feel like eating sweet things, then it means that the sugar level in your body has decreased.

Therefore. At such times, if you remember doughnuts, soda, cold drinks, or cakes, then eat raisins, any fruit, fruit juice, a piece of jaggery, or dates instead. After a while, you will notice that the cravings will subside.

2. Want to eat something salty or Savory?

If you crave to eat salty things, then you’ll more often miss chips, mixers, namkeen, fried puffs, etc. But at such times, you must first consider drinking half a glass of water.

Then eat roasted gram, salted cashew, roasted almonds, or seeds instead, to subside your cravings.

3. Feel like eating oily foods or foods high in calories?

When you feel like eating oily foods or junk foods, then you can eat salad sandwiches, poha, masala buttermilk, curd-cumin and salt, avocado and nuts, etc to avoid unhealthy foods.

4. Feel like eating Junk food or Carbohydrates?

One feels like eating junk foods and foods with carbohydrates when the amount of sugar in the blood is low. At such times, you can quell cravings by eating foods rich in magnesium.

For this, you can eat bananas, apples, salads, rice, broccoli, spinach, etc.

5. Suddenly feel like eating chocolate chips? Let’s know what is the science behind cravings

It is a simple question, is craving a physical symptom or a mental one? We tell you what happens in your brain when you have cravings.

Do you ever feel like eating ice cream all of a sudden? Or do you ever get a craving for jalebi (Indian sweet) while working? Although it is completely normal to have cravings.

And sometimes there is no harm in fulfilling these cravings. But have you ever wondered why this happens?

Why do you have such a terrible craving for food even when you are not hungry? We will tell you the science behind it.

It is important to know the difference between hunger and craving first.

Cravings are not what your body needs. It is not your physical needs but your emotional and psychological needs. We often overeat when there is an emotional need.

we do not have any idea about ​​our stomachs, rather we are inclined towards eating full of heart. Due to this, we consume excessive calories which causes unwanted weight gain.

green bean craving

These are the symptoms of cravings

If you are really hungry, then even after waiting for some time, the hunger will not be satisfied. On the other hand, if you are having only cravings, then waiting for a while ends the craving.

It is accidental and if you divert your attention here and there, you will stop craving.

The Science Behind Cravings

Cravings are not mere whims but a product of intricate physiological and psychological processes within the human body.

To comprehend the science behind cravings, we delve into the complexities of brain function, hormonal responses, and the emotional dimensions that influence our gastronomic desires.

1. Brain’s Response to Cravings:

The brain plays a pivotal role in the genesis of cravings. When exposed to stimuli associated with certain foods, the brain’s reward center, particularly the mesolimbic pathway, becomes activated.

This activation triggers the release of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, commonly known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter.

As a result, the individual experiences a sense of pleasure and reward, reinforcing the connection between the consumed food and positive emotions.

This neural reward system is a fundamental aspect of cravings, often leading to repeated indulgence.

2. Hormones and Cravings:

Hormones orchestrate the delicate balance between hunger and satiety, exerting a profound influence on cravings.

Ghrelin, often referred to as the hunger hormone, increases appetite, while leptin signals the brain when the body is sufficiently nourished.

Discuss the intricate dance between these hormones, emphasizing how imbalances can provoke cravings.

For instance, fluctuations in blood sugar levels can stimulate the release of ghrelin, intensifying cravings for sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods to restore energy balance.

3. Emotional Influences on Food Desires:

Emotions are potent determinants of cravings, intertwining with the psychological aspect of food choices. When individuals experience stress, anxiety, or sadness, the brain may trigger cravings as a coping mechanism.

Explore the link between emotional states and specific cravings, noting how individuals may seek comfort in certain foods to alleviate negative emotions.

Understanding these emotional triggers is crucial for adopting healthier coping mechanisms and breaking the cycle of emotional eating.

4. Stress, Cortisol Levels, and Cravings:

Stress, a common facet of modern life, significantly impacts our dietary preferences through the modulation of cortisol levels.

When stress levels rise, the body releases cortisol, a hormone associated with the “fight or flight” response. Elevated cortisol levels can subsequently stimulate cravings for foods rich in sugar and fat.

Examine the connection between chronic stress, heightened cortisol levels, and the inclination toward comfort foods.

Strategies for stress management become integral in curbing the physiological drive for specific, often unhealthy, food choices.

Why do cravings happen and what is their mental effect?

According to a study published in the American Journal ‘Of Addiction’, cravings create an opioid typhoon in the brain. Due to this, you get satisfaction from eating a packet of chocolates or chips.

You don’t need to crave unhealthy food only. Any food that is associated with a good memory, you crave for them when you are sad. Cravings are the mind’s way of coping with stress and trouble.

According to Harvard Health Publishing. When cortisol increases, insulin also increases, which causes blood sugar to drop. In such a situation, we run towards sweet things to normalize blood sugar.

Not only this, carbohydrates contain an amino acid called tryptophan, which temporarily improves our mood. That’s why we run after carbohydrate-rich food under stress.

When we are sad or upset, our body releases a hormone called cortisol, which prompts us to eat. When we are unhappy, we do not understand how many calories our body needs and how much we are eating.

That’s why we eat more calories than the limit. How to protect yourself from unnecessary cravings?

It’s okay to have occasional cravings, but if you give up on your cravings now and then, you need to understand that it can have side effects on your health.

It is important to understand whether the hunger you are feeling is emotional or if you need to eat. When you start understanding this, you can control your emotions while eating.

Craving beans, what does it mean?

Craving beans, what does it mean

As we discussed above, food cravings are very normal and happen to everyone, however, the type of food craving you experience can differ from other people.

Food cravings depend upon your taste, liking, and preferences. Some people usually crave sugary items while others might crave savory dishes or junk food depending upon what they like the most.

However, many people also have a sudden craving for beans.

Before you stress over why am I craving beans so badly you must first understand the kind of beans that you want. Different types of beans include green beans, baked beans, pinto beans, etc.

Why are you craving beans so bad?

Usually, a regular diet or poor nutrition can result in an excessive craving for beans so if you are someone who is taking low-calorie foods like folic acid, vitamin B complex iron, and lack protein then there are higher chances that your body will crave for beans.

Diet When you start cutting down calories from your daily nutritional requirements and use beans as a substitute then these beans fulfill your nutritional demands and play a vital role in your overall diet.

Beans have no calorie content and hence it makes it appealing to people who have the misconception that consuming too many fulfilled calories is bad for their health.

Consuming beans regularly will provide you with a tremendous boost of protein and carbohydrates. So if you are in a lot of debt your brain will eventually start craving low-calorie help.

Here’s what you need to do if you are craving beans

  • Try changing your diet and following up a proper routine to tackle the bean craving.
  • Include more lentils, vegetables, and Protein-rich food in your diet
  • Consume foods that are rich in iron like spinach, red meat, and seaweed, and also consume vitamin c so that iron absorption is good.

why am i craving chickpeas

Why am I craving black beans?

If you are also craving Black beans quite often then you will get your answer today in the article further. After a lot of research, it was finally found what is the reason behind the usual craving for Black beans.

So latest discuss this in detail.

Following are a few reasons why you are craving Black bean

It was found that people who are following a strict keto diet usually have a craving for Black beans. Are you one of them too? The ketogenic diet is basically when you take only good fat and cut down totally on the consumption of your cards.

Hence reducing the amount of protein in your diet. So if you are following a keto diet then black cravings will be more often in your body.

Black Beans

Black beans are known to have a significant amount of carbohydrates and protein and are highly delicious and creamy in texture. This could be one of the reasons why you are craving Black beans.

Black beans are also rich in fiber content so if your body is running on low levels of fiber the demand for Black beans will increase simultaneously and you will start having more cravings for the same.

The low density of magnesium and calcium absorption in your body can also result in increased cravings for Black beans.

If you are completely vegetarian or vegan Black beans are a good substitute for meat to add value and can be one of the reasons why you are craving Black beans.

Also if you are craving Black beans more often it means that you need more prebiotics as Black beans are an excellent source of probiotics.

Now people who don’t know what prebiotics means or what the difference between prebiotics and probiotics let us understand the difference between the two in brief


Prebiotics are the food of probiotics that are healthy fibers. Good sources of prebiotics include asparagus garlic Black beans oats etc. Consuming prebiotics helps in restoring sleep and Aids the mineral absorption in your body whereas it helps in boosting immunity.


Probiotics are generally living microorganisms that help in maintaining a healthy gut. These probiotics are nothing but good bacteria like lactobacillus yeast etc.

Some good sources of probiotics include yogurt, kombucha, and other supplements. Probiotics also help in increasing your gut health, preventing yeast infections, and also help with respiratory infections and lactose intolerance.

What to do in case of excessive black bean craving?

black bean craving

If you are having excessive black bean cravings.

Here are a few steps that you can follow to reduce these cravings

  • Try following up on a regular diet. You can also consult a professional nutritionist or dietitian to give you a proper diet chart based on your food preferences. Make sure to have a proper intake of calcium and magnesium regularly.
  • Increase your intake of prebiotics and probiotics. Alternative food sources of prebiotics and probiotics include yogurt, fibers, greens, leeks, etc.
  • Make sure that your daily protein requirement is fulfilled either through natural sources or supplements.
  • If your body is deficient in any nutritional source then make sure to have a supplementation for the same after the consultation with your dietician.
  • Try exercising regularly and you can start with light yoga, meditation, and relaxing exercises
  • Manage your stress levels and have adequate sleep.
  • Make sure to eat your meals at the right time and right proportions.
  • Practice mindful eating

Why am I craving Pinto beans?

Pinto beans

In South America, Pinto beans are popularly known as proto frutilla meaning strawberry beans. Pinto beans are generally considered a nutrient-dense legume that is rich in fiber vitamins protein and vitamin C.

It also has an abundance of minerals. Pinto beans are mostly found in the South Western USA and northern Mexico. They are easy to cook and can be quickly made if presoaked 45 minutes earlier.

There are multiple ways in which Pinto beans can be cooked.

If you are wondering what is the reason behind the excessive craving for Pinto beans then letters discuss this in brief-

Excessive craving for Pinto beans indicates a lack of nutrition such as a lack of vitamin C, iron, vital proteins, magnesium, and some other essential amino acids.

Since Pinto beans are very easy to cook, you maintain a misconception in your brain that every time you feel hungry you can quickly prepare Pinto beans, and hence your brain starts building more cravings for the same as it is an instant meal option.

So now that we have discussed the reason behind excessive cravings for Pinto beans let us also discuss the solution for the same.

Here’s what you need to do when you are having a craving for Pinto beans

  • Follow up with a proper nutritional regular diet.
  • Have a proper intake of protein and other vital nutrients.
  • Take up supplementation for the food that you can’t intake naturally
  • Try exercising regularly starting with light reading and relaxing exercises like meditation and yoga.

craving beans before period

Why am I craving kidney beans?

kidney beans

Kidney beans are the most widely and popularly used beans in the Indian household.

Kidney beans are popularly known as rajma in India. These kidney beans are offered both in dried and cant forms which makes it even easier for us to cook them.

These kidney beans can be cooked in multiple forms and taste delicious at the same time. They have an abundance of protein and other essential nutrients. Having one bowl of kidney beans along with steamed rice can make you feel full for a longer time.

The following could be some of the reasons why you are craving kidney beans

  • The absolute delicacy can make you crave more for it because of its amazing flavor and taste. Its dryness and slight sweetness can make it a Savory dish similar To meat.
  • If you are looking for healthy weight loss then you can crave kidney beans more often as you would not like to compromise on your daily protein intake.
  • One of the reasons for excessive kidney bean cravings could be a low-calorie intake diet and if your diet does not fill up the daily value cal then you will eat kidney beans more frequently.
  • Craving kidney beans indicates a low-carb diet hence it is important for you to consume enough carbs and have a balanced diet.

Why am I craving Lima beans?

Lima beans

Lima beans are popularly known as butter beans in the UK and it is also considered an All-in-One bean because of their nutritional value and phytochemical compounds.

The following could be the reasons why you are craving lima beans

  • Lack of zinc selenium and iron can result in Lima bean cravings
  • Significant blood glucose levels rise and lower glycemic index in the body can result in Lima bean cravings.
  • If your body is unable to absorb a sufficient amount of amino acids then it can cause cravings for lima beans.
  • Apart from the above-mentioned reasons some other causes of Lima bean cravings include your habit and preference for its rich creamy taste.

What we discussed above was different types of beans and why people cream for them specifically.

Now we will be discussing reasons in general why you are craving beans more often-

10 reasons why you are craving beans

You love consuming beans

Your love for beans is one of the major reasons why you are craving them more often and it’s high time we admit it. The more you love a specific food item the more your body will crave it. Once you start loving beans and it becomes one of your favorite meals you just can’t get your mind off them.

The moment your body starts feeling a little hungry you will only think of your favorite food to have its taste again and again which results in excessive thriving. This results in overthinking and you end up eating your favorite food.

Craving beans during pregnancy

Pregnancy could be one of the major reasons why you are craving a certain food product. During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through a lot of hormonal changes, and her body’s tendency to have more cravings becomes very natural.

During the nine months of pregnancy, your body requires more amount of Nutrition than a normal human body and it was found that on average a pregnant woman requires approximately 1000 mg of calcium and iron.

Since beans are highly rich in nutrients there is a higher chance that you crave them as you and your baby will demand more nutrition. Apart from being pregnant if you are feeling low in energy then also you can crave beams.

Your body needs more carbohydrates

Many people are unaware of the fact that when your body loses strength or is slowly losing it. It is a natural process for a body to try rebuilding it. This process of losing strength is probably because of skipping meals or not taking your food in sufficient amounts.

In such a situation when your body loses strength, it eventually starts using the stored carbohydrates to perform all the necessary functions. Hence in return, you start feeling weak because your body has already used all the remaining carbohydrates and as a result, you are low on sugar.

This is the signal that your body gives you that now is the right time to start increasing your intake of carbohydrates and sugar specifically.

Multiple beans contain different quantities of sugar for example 7 grams of sugar is found in 100 grams of mung beans and 11 grams of sugar is found in 100 grams of chickpeas.

So instead of relying on unhealthy sources of sugar, you can make sure that you intake beans in your diet and other healthy sugar-rich food items that will help you regain the strength that you have lost.

Craving beans before the period

Hormonal changes are something that happens to every human body as we grow and this is something that we cannot control. Hormonal changes play a major role in your mood swings, food cravings, and eating preferences.

At the time of puberty, your human body undergoes a lot of hormonal changes and hence it requires more nutrients to function properly as a result, your body starts craving food items that are rich in nutrients, for example, beans.

Women during their menstrual cycle crave more carbohydrates than the other days which is why during periods women end up eating a lot of junk food which is not recommended of course.

Similarly during PCOS or pregnancy for example when your body goes through a lot of hormonal changes you start craving beans and other carbohydrate-rich food items.

In the case of pregnancy, what changes does your body undergo, and why does it start craving beans we have already discussed this previously in this article.


As many people are now becoming health-conscious they are on the verge of following a specific diet. For example, women dealing with PCOS follow a different diet, and people who are aiming to lose weight or gain weight follow a different diet.

These different types of diet plans have different meal options.

If your diet does not include beans, in that case, cravings are very normal because you are fond of them 8 and you are not getting them in sufficient quantities hence you want to eat them more often.

In such a situation instead of avoiding beans completely, you should keep a jar of beans in your room and have it post your Gym session because if you are working hard to stay healthy you can reward yourself with something that you crave.

You can consult your diet consultant before increasing your intake of beans.

Your body needs protein

As we all know beans are a rich source of protein and hence if your body is deficient in protein it is signaling you to increase your protein intake and hence you start craving beans.

Protein that is found in beans helps in building muscle mass and also makes your bones strong by giving you more energy and it is required to increase your intake.

You’re overdoing your calories


If you ask someone who relies on packaged and healthy food items to complete their daily calorie intake then after consuming and healthy cal your body will start craving something healthy & low in calories. and hence it could be one of the reasons why you are craving beans.

Body loves beans

Among the multiple types of beans we discussed, there could be a possibility that your body loves a certain type of bean and hence you crave it the 7 types of beams that usually people crave are-

Black beans, Black-eyed peas, Pinto beans, cannellini beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, and soybeans.

Body is stressed

Stress is one of the major reasons why you have food cravings. The science behind this states that stress makes you crave those food items that you love. Because, when you finally eat them you feel good.

Hence stress makes you eat food items that give you pleasure and de-stresses your body.


What we discussed in this article is purely based on human behavior and craving tendencies. Food cravings are very natural and normal to have and there is nothing much to stress about.

Now that you know why you are craving beans so badly. Mysteriously you can get rid of it if you think you are overdoing it.

Make sure that your daily meals have proper nutrition and your stomach is full enough. So that your body can function properly. This will ensure that you don’t have many food cravings.

Also, try eating healthy food items and cutting off fast food from your diet. Get rid of a sedentary lifestyle and exercise daily for at least 20 minutes.

If your craving persists then go ahead and consult a healthcare professional for the same. And find out the reason why you are craving a specific food item so much.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. Why do I always want to eat beans?

A. Individual preferences, nutritional needs, and taste preferences can contribute to a consistent desire for beans.

2. What does eating a lot of beans do to your body?

A. Beans are rich in fiber, protein, and various nutrients. Consuming them in moderation supports digestive health, provides energy, and contributes to overall nutrition.

3. Why do I feel better after eating beans?

A. Beans contain nutrients that contribute to sustained energy levels, and the fiber content promotes a feeling of fullness, potentially leading to improved mood.

4. Can eating too much beans be harmful?

A. Excessive consumption may lead to digestive discomfort due to high fiber content. Moderation is key to avoiding potential side effects like gas and bloating.

5. Craving beans before the period:

A. Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle can influence food cravings, including a desire for beans due to nutritional needs.

6. Craving beans during pregnancy:

A. Pregnancy often triggers specific cravings due to hormonal changes and increased nutritional demands. Craving beans could be a response to these factors.

7. Why am I craving refried beans?

A. Cravings for refried beans may stem from a desire for comforting and savory foods, influenced by individual taste preferences and cultural factors.

8. Why am I craving canned green beans?

A. Cravings for canned green beans may be influenced by the convenience factor, texture preferences, or a response to specific nutrient needs.

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