What are prebiotics and probiotics?

What are Probiotics & Prebiotics

Health and nutrition have witnessed a tremendous hike in the present time– all thanks to the pandemic. People have grown health conscious and are constantly trying to improve their lifestyle and fitness.

One such common name that has gained popularity is-  Prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics and probiotics have always existed in the nutrition world, and the continuous marketing by marketers and influencers has made them the talk of the town.

What are prebiotics and probiotics? Do we need to spend thousands to buy them? Or is it just another marketing tactic?

In this article, we will talk about prebiotics and probiotics, and their importance.

So, let’s dig in!

Let’s talk about the Gut and bacteria!

What is the first thing that, pops up in your mind when you hear the word- bacteria?

I bet the words are- harmful, disease-causing, and bad.

But, we fail to see the broader picture. There are two types of bacteria- good bacteria and harmful bacteria. While the bad ones act as an enemy to our body– good bacteria neutralize the gut microbiota and provide various health benefits.

Now, you might be wondering what gut microbiota means. Imagine it as a forest comprising a variety of species, and living organisms. Similarly, the gut microbiota is a variety of bacteria that reside in our gut collectively. The microorganisms live in harmony, and there exists a balance– aiding better digestion and preventing inflammation.

But, what happens when harmful bacteria grow in your gut? It overgrows the good bacteria and causes terror in the form of indigestion, gut inflammation, leaky gut, etc.

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Eating a balanced amount of prebiotics and probiotics can ensure healthy gut microbiota.

What are prebiotics and Probiotics?

Probiotics are beneficial to gut bacteria found in foods in living forms. They are good bacteria that protect the growth of harmful bacteria in your gut. But, does that mean you can consume live bacteria and call them probiotics? That would be dangerous. For bacteria to be probiotics, they must-have characteristics such as-

  • Isolated from human
  • It can be eaten and can survive in the intestine
  • Be safe to consume
  • Must have a proven benefit.

How do Prebiotics & probiotics work?

Probiotics or probios help to maintain a healthy balance in your body– by keeping your body neutral. When you are sick, harmful bacteria enter your body and increase in number– disturbing the balance in your body. Good bacteria fight the harmful bacteria and restore the balance within your body, making us feel better.

Difference Between Prebiotics and Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial to gut bacteria found in foods in living forms. Prebiotics are substances (mostly carbs and fibers) that humans cannot digest. But it acts as food for the live bacteria in our stomachs.

Here are the health benefits of Probiotics

  • Aids better digestion
  • Keep harmful bacteria at bay.
  • It controls inflammation.
  • Destroys the harmful bacteria and prevents leaky gut.

Good bacteria or probios are a part of our body. But when you get sick, the balance is disturbed. In severe cases, you might require probios capsules or liquid probiotics to establish the balance in your gut. But, instead of taking supplements, eating a balanced diet rich in fiber can help you keep your gut biota balanced.

Some of the foods considered as Best probiotics are

Now that you know, the different kinds of food items rich in probiotics, you might wonder about their usefulness in curing medical conditions.

Several results have been conducted on the same, and there are positive outcomes too. Let’s say you might have noticed that, if you consume a lot of antibiotics, you tend to suffer from diarrhea a few days later. Diarrhea indicates that your gut balance is altered. So, consuming Probios can help you improve your condition.

Instead of gulping down pills, you can use probios in the form of food or probios capsules. Fermented foods such as kefir and Kombucha(tea) are home to good bacteria and have health benefits.

You can also consume supplements such as liquid probiotics or Probios capsules. Besides diarrhea, several other medical conditions such as Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, yeast infection, etc., can be treated using probios. But if the symptoms persist, see a doctor.

How to take probiotics as supplements?

Do you wonder how to include probios supplements in your regime? Does it need to be consumed with food? Or do you need to consume it on an empty stomach?

Don’t worry; we are here to tell you that too.

Best Probiotics or probios supplements come in various forms and can be consumed in the form of

  • Foods
  • Drinks
  • Capsules or pills.
  • Powders
  • Liquids

However, you must consume probios supplements and prebiotics together. When you take supplements that combine prebiotics as well as probiotics, it is known as synbiotics.

But coming to the effectiveness of probiotics, you must keep in mind that the probiotic supplements are not approved by FDA– which means the manufacturers can sell them claiming to be safe without much introspection. So, it is better to consume probios in the form of food — which are readily available, cost-effective, and healthy.


What is prebiotics?

Now that you know what probiotics are, you must be excited to know what prebiotics are. Well, prebiotics is substances (mostly carbs and fibers) that humans cannot digest. But it acts as food for the live bacteria in our stomachs.

But, wait! Stop! Don’t just rush and enter your credentials the moment you see prebiotics supplements online!

Prebiotics are found naturally in foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

Prebiotic foods are mentioned below

  • Legumes
  • Oats
  • Bananas
  • Berries
  • Asparagus
  • Dandelion greens
  • Garlic
  • Onions etc

But don’t confuse prebiotics with probiotics. Prebiotics are the dietary fiber that feeds the “friendly” bacteria in your gut.

Benefits of prebiotics

Prebiotics are food to the gut bacteria and are not digestible by humans. The benefits of prebiotics are related to probiotics.

The prebiotics encourages your gut bacteria to perform various healthy functions that lead to a better digestive system.

Some of these nutrients include short-chain fatty acids like butyrate, acetate, and propionate.

Some of the research-backed benefits of prebiotics are-

  • Improves calcium absorption
  • Enhances the growth of probiotics; facilitating better digestion and absorption

However, people with chronic diseases should consult with their doctors before taking prebiotics.

When should you take prebiotics?

Wonder when to take prebiotics– take prebiotics two hours before or after medications. But if you suffer from digestive disorders, take them before sleep.

But can you take prebiotics and probiotics together?

While prebios and probios are gaining momentum, as people are getting health conscious nowadays. Is it okay if you take prebiotics and probiotics together– I would say yes?

Taking prebiotics and probiotics together is known as microbiome therapy. The microbiome is unique for everyone, even for twins it is different. Taking prebiotics and probiotics together helps strengthen the effectiveness of probiotics -so it’s okay if you consume them together.

Bottom line

Keeping your gut microbiota balanced should be your priority. So, take an ample amount of prebiotics and probiotics to keep your gut environment balanced. You must take Prebiotics and Probiotics in the form of food, or supplements, according to your convenience.

Talk to a nutritionist, or your doctor, so that you take the right amount of probios. And if you notice any side effects, please reach out to your doctor immediately.

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