Tag Archives: workout

How to get rid of hip dips

How to get rid of hip dips

How to get rid of hip dips? Hip dips are your body’s way to tell you that you have gained weight on a specific part of your body, specifically the hips. It is as normal as having a double chin and hence one must not worry about it or take stress over removing it. You […]

How many calories do sit ups burn

How many calories do sit ups burn

How many calories do sit-ups burn? A sit-up or crunch is a crunching exercise, most often done by a righteously obese person who attempts to tone bit his/her abdominal muscles. The sit-up is an exercise that is designed to work the rectus abdominis muscle which is the muscle that connects to the upper ribs. This […]

How long does pre workout last

How long does pre workout last

Well before we jump into the topic of how long pre workout lasts. Let’s first understand what the term pre-workout refers to. Here if you are thinking that pre-workout means your workout session. Then, let us tell you, that you are wrong. The term pre-workout refers to the pre-workout supplements that you take. It’s not […]