How to get rid of neck fat? The Ultimate Guide

how to get rid of neck fat

How to get rid of neck fat? Neck fatness, also known as “turkey neck”, is the lower part of the skin of the neck. Getting it back to the right size can be annoying.

The best way to get rid of neck obesity is to incorporate exercise, along with the usual ways to lose weight.

Because it is nearly impossible to treat a specific area (correcting the size of a specific spot or reducing the weight of a specific spot), weight loss, or exercise.

In general, is the easiest way to reduce fat around the neck. Is. A  healthy diet and exercise can help reduce skin or excess fat around the neck.

How to get rid of fat around the neck?

Many people don’t know this but removing fat from a specific part of your body is actually not possible or practical. If you start losing weight you will lose weight from all the parts and not from any specific area and similarly, if you gain weight it can gain from any part of the body.

Many people suffer from this issue where their entire body is lean or slim however there is excessive fat in the double chin on the neck area. This happens because when they eat the fat deposits in the double chin area and not in the entire body which is why the face looks fat due to the increased amount of fat in that area and the entire body looks slim and normal.

How to lose neck and face fat?

In this article, we will explain in detail the causes and reasons for neck fat and the tips to reduce the same.

However, let us tell you beforehand that everyone’s body type is different and the way your body gains weight totally depends upon your body type, hormonal issues, and lifestyle.

Certain precautionary measures can act differently on your body and completely different on someone else. This is why it is important to look out for multiple ways in which you can lose weight.

The steps we will be telling you in this article are explained in a generalized way that if followed in the right way helps you in reducing neck fat.

However, even after following these steps if you feel that you cannot see noticeable changes then don’t worry or get disappointed.

As there could be some other reasons why you are unable to lose neck fat or face fat, and hence in such a situation, it is recommended to consult and seek professional advice for the same.

How does neck fat increase?

There could be various reasons for an increase in neck fat/face fat. Let us discuss these reasons in detail-

Obesity: People who are extremely obese have a higher risk of developing fat in the neck.

Medical problems:  People suffering from thyroid problems can also have obesity problems, which also leads to the problem of neck fat.

Age:  The problem of neck fat is less in young people than in older people.Cardiovascular problems:  Those who have heart-related problems also have problems with the production of fat in the neck.

What causes a double chin?

A double chin can occur due to various causes and some of these include genetics, age, diet, fat content, lifestyle workout routine, etc. A double chin can also be called submental fat which is nothing but the extra fat beneath the chin that gets deposited.

Many people think that only fat and overweight people have a double chin, however, that’s not true. You apparently don’t need to be overweight to have a double chin as it can happen to anyone.

Ways to reduce neck fat –

We will be discussing in detail various ways to reduce neck fat under subcategories.


Basic lifestyle changes

Well, no amount of exercise can ever work unless and until you practice the necessary basic lifestyle changes like your sleep schedule, working habits, stress management, and time management as well as some minimum basic exercises.

In order to reduce neck fat, you can practice certain easy-to-do exercises or yoga (pranayama) at home every day while being mindful of your diet.

Decrease calorie intake-

Although neck fat can happen to anyone most people who are overweight experience neck fat which is why it is important for them to exercise decrease their calorie intake and put themselves in a situation of a calorie deficit to aid in weight loss.

When cardio is mixed with strength training or in easy words we can say that when you do simple exercises like walking or cycling combined together with reducing cal it can create a calorie deficit Hence it will burn more fat rather than muscle mass and will help in reducing your double chin or neck fat.

Decrease your consumption of alcohol-

Many people still don’t know this but consuming alcohol is not great for the body as it is high in calories and low in nutrients that can cause weight gain and other health-related problems as well, which is why it is recommended to reduce your alcohol intake.

Consumption of alcohol can also increase facial fat and result in swelling under your skin. Hence, you must try to reduce the consumption of alcohol and replace it with other food that is low in calories and aids in fat loss.

Do facial exercises-

People who are not overweight in general but have double chin must try doing facial exercises to focus and target the area that has extra fat. For this, it is suggested to try neck stretching and other exercises.

Neck stretching improves kinks and the tension in the muscles which helps in improving mobility and strength.  The best part about this exercise is that you can do it anytime whenever you are free and comfortable.

For doing the next stretch you just have to tilt your head without adjusting your shoulders and hold it for approximately 10 seconds which will create tension in the neck and will stretch your facial muscles in return. Try doing this repeatedly for a few weeks to see noticeable changes.

You can also try facial oil and massage your chin area gently add some pressure to that area and try stretching it in an upward motion that will press the excessive fat and will also make your skin glow by increasing blood circulation.

One of the best methods for targeting your double chin is by stretching your tongue which is the best form of exercise that zones in on the double chin area. All you need to do is look straight in the front and try sticking your tongue out to create resistance and then try lifting it in the direction of your nose and hold it for 10 seconds. Now release it and then repeat this exercise for at least 10 days to see changes.


Now we will be covering some healthy recipes that aid in extra fat loss, however, it will not guarantee to reduce neck fat but it will definitely help to decrease the excessive fat. These recipes are not just for reducing neck fat, but overall body fat too.

Green tea-

Green tea is rich in catechins, which are polyphenols with high antioxidant potential. Catechins are known to promote weight loss, and so is the caffeine present in tea.

Ingredients :

  • 1 teaspoon green tea
  • 1 cup water
  • honey

How to make-

  • Put green tea in water.
  • Boil it.
  • Boil it on the sim for 5 minutes then filter it.
  • Let it cool then add honey.
  • Drink it

Drink it 3-4 times a day.

Coconut oil-

Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids that can increase your metabolism, thus making it a great way to shed unwanted fat.

Ingredients :

  • 1 tbsp ultra-pure coconut oil

How to make-

  • Take pure coconut oil every morning.
  • Instead, you can also massage the neck daily with this oil.

Use it once daily.


This fruit is definitely one of the fruits that you just can’t go wrong with. It is absolutely amazing for your skin as well as your gut health. It also helps with weight loss indirectly.

Ingredients :

  • fresh chopped melon

How to make

  • Eat a bowl of freshly sliced ​​melon or drink fresh melon juice.

Drink 2-3 glasses of fresh melon juice daily.

Lemon juice –

Many people might not know this but lemon juice is quite underrated it is a powerful drink that actually has amazing benefits for your skin as it has citric acid and vitamin C.

Ingredients :

  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 glass of hot water
  • honey

How to make-

  • Squeeze lemon in hot water and put it.
  • Mix it well and add honey.
  • Drink it every day on an empty stomach.

Take it once a day.

Flax seeds-

If you practice seed cycling you must know that a combination of seeds can be a great addition to your diet, especially Flag seeds it has an abundance of benefits.

Ingredients :

  • 1 tbsp flax seed powder
  • 1 glass of hot water
  • Honey (optional)

How to make-

  • Put the powder of flaxseed seeds in hot water and mix it well.
  • Add some honey to this mixture and consume it.

Take this mixture once daily, try to take it in the morning.



Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A and fiber. They take a lot of time to digest and keep you full for a long time. This, in turn, can help you lose weight.

Ingredients :

  • 1-2 carrots

How to make-

  • Cut carrots into thin pieces.
  • Eat it as it is or add it to your favorite dishes.
  • You can also make carrot juice and drink it.

Drink it once daily.

Sunflower seeds-

Sunflower seeds are rich sources of vitamins B and E, which not only help you burn fat but also combat free radicals. Thus, adding sunflower seeds to the daily diet is an easy way to lose neck fat.

Ingredients :

  • 1 tbsp raw sunflower seeds

How to make –

  • Eat raw sunflower seeds.

Consume it daily.

Aloe Vera-

Aloe Vera can help you lose weight by converting the carbohydrates and fats that you consume into energy instead of storing them. It also stimulates the production of collagen, which, in turn, speeds up your metabolism.

Ingredients :

  • 1 cup fresh aloe vera juice

How to make

  • Drink fresh Aloe Vera juice.

Drink it 1-2 times daily.


Drinking enough daily and keeping yourself well hydrated also boosts your weight loss process.

What not to eat –

  • Packaged and frozen foods such as saturated fats should be avoided as they add weight to your body without any nutritional benefit.
  • processed foods
  • Sugar

How to get rid of necklines and fat?

Always use sunscreen:

In addition to diet and exercise, applying sunscreen regularly can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and aging skin.

  • If your skin is sun-damaged, making you look wrinkled and older, the fat that collects around your neck can look worse.
  • Men and women are advised to use an SPF of at least 15. You can use more amount of cream if you stay in direct sunlight for a long time

Use a retinol cream:

There are several retinol-based wrinkle cream products that are recommended over the counter and also by prescription. Some of these creams help to build collagen and soften wrinkles.

  • A combination of sunscreen, moisturizers, diet, and exercise can help these creams to correct the appearance of wrinkled and sagging skin on the neck.
  • The procedures and creams used by dermatologists are considered the best or gold standard and usually give the best results.

Consider surgery: If you’ve tried diet, exercise, and skin creams, consider a more drastic step to remove excess skin or excess fat around your neck.

  • Different types of treatment exist, including liposuction, botox, laser treatment, and neck lifts.
  • Consult your dermatologist, and ask him which treatment is best for your body and budget (some treatments can be quite expensive).

An Advice to follow-

  • Always consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise regimen. They will be able to tell you whether losing weight or exercising is safe and appropriate for you.
  • It can be quite difficult to reduce the fat around the neck or get rid of loose skin. Getting it will be more likely with a combination of diet, exercise, and proper skincare.

How to get rid of neck fat and get a jawline

(In a gist) –

Chin raise-

All you have to do is to tilt your head towards the ceiling and stay in this position. Chin lift helps tone the muscles of the jaw, throat, and neck. Duration- 10 seconds

Lip draw-

Lip pull involves lifting your lower lip and pushing down on your lower jaw. It helps to lift your facial muscles, reduce your neck fat, and give you a more youthful appearance. Duration-10 seconds

Fish face-

For this exercise, you need to suck your cheeks and lips inward and then hold the pose. It is great for toning your facial muscles and burning excess fat. Duration-5-10 seconds

Face lifting-

For this exercise, all you have to do is tilt your head as high as you can and blow air through your mouth. It loosens up the muscles of your face and neck. Duration-10 seconds

Jaw exercises-

Jaw releases require you to apply a slow chewing motion and then open your mouth to its maximum capacity. This exercise is great for losing fat around your neck and getting a sleek jawline. Duration-5-10 seconds


Walking, jogging, running, or whatever gets your heart racing is a sure-shot way to lose fat all over your body, including your neck. Duration-20-30 minutes

Conclusion –

Concluding the entire article in a few words we would just suggest you not go very hard on your skin just in the process of losing some neck fat.  It’s OK to have a double chin or look chubby.

It will not have adverse effects on your body anyway. Always choose healthy methods to lose weight whether it is body weight or face fat and never look out for unhealthy ways just to lose weight faster.

Only in the case of thyroid problems, you consult a doctor and actually look out for decreasing the issue otherwise a normal double chin will not bother your health

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