How Long Does it Take for Moringa to Start Working 

How Long Does it Take for Moringa to Start Working

How Long Does it Take for Moringa to Start Working While possessing a ton of nutritional properties, it is kind of mysterious how long Moringa takes to work. You don’t need to worry anymore now that we have come up with all the answers you have about Moringa and the following concerns.

But, before we get into the details, mustn’t we learn about the basics first?

What is Moringa Oleifera?  

Also known as drumstick tree, Moringa is a type of shrub and tree that offers multiple benefits.  From their bark and pods to leaves, seeds, nuts, flowers, and roots, everything is edible. The leaves of a Moringa herb are either used fresh or dried. The dried leaves are then finely ground into powder.

This Indian native superfood has been used in Ayurveda for years. The benefits that the extract of moringa can provide are endless. 

According to research, moringa in the form of powder has:

  • 9 times more protein than curd.
  • 10 times more vitamin A than a carrot.
  • 15 times more potassium than a banana.
  • 17 times more calcium than a livestock’s milk.
  • 2 times more vitamin C than oranges or tangerines.
  • 25 times more iron than your green leafy veggies.

The seeds are picked when green and then eaten raw or cooked. Moringa seed oil is sweet, has a non-sticky texture, and doesn’t dry easily, all while the cake from seed helps with purifying water.

These seeds are popularly eaten raw, roasted, or used as a flavor in curry and tea. 

Where is Moringa Found?

Following are the countries where you can find Moringa easily:

  • India
  • Ethiopia
  • Philippines
  • South Africa
  • Sudan
  • Tropical Asia
  • Latin America
  • The Caribbean
  • Florida
  • Pacific Islands

While Moringa stays native to South Asian countries, growing in the Himalayan foothills, many of its species are largely seen in other parts of the globe as well.

How Does Moringa Taste? 

Moringa has a very Ayurvedic taste, in the sense that, it tastes quite earthy and green. You can find yourself relating moringa’s taste to that of spinach or a matcha latte.

While you can always mix your moringa seeds or extracts with your favorite foods and drinks, it wholly depends on how you combine moringa with different ingredients.

How to Use Moringa Oil?

Moringa oil is primarily used to nourish and moisturize your skin. If you add moringa oil to your haircare routine, you can see drastic changes in your hair’s moisture levels and density.

All you need to do is apply the oil to your scalp and massage for a good 4-5 minutes using your fingers.

Apart from beauty regimens, is also safe to alternate your regular oil for moringa oil in dishes. According to a study, moringa oil is very safe to consume.

How to Eat Moringa Seeds?

Like mitochondria are the powerhouse of your cells, moringa seeds are one of those powerhouses of nutrition. Whether it’s vitamins or antioxidants, moringa seeds are abundant with healthy properties. 

Here’s how you can incorporate these magical seeds into your diet:

No, you can’t jump right into the savoury, when it comes to Moringa seeds. Rather, you need to mindfully prepare them for consumption.

Here’s how you can make your moringa ready to eat:

Harvest and Clean Moringa Pods

You are lucky if you can get your hands on these magical fresh pods. Here’s how you can clean and harvest:

  • Begin by harvesting them from the shrub.
  • Be on the lookout for dry pods (these will look dry and have a brown tone).
  • After harvesting, clean the pods carefully to make them pure enough.

Remove the Outer Shell

Yes, moringa seeds are like coconuts in that way. You need to remove the outer layer to reap the benefits and here’s how you can do it:

  • Gently crack the outer layer with a hammer or any such tool.
  • Make sure that you don’t damage the inside part.
  • After cracking, separate the outer layer from the edible kernel.

Drying and Roasting

You can now control how you want to taste your moringa seeds here. If you like your food crunchy, here’s a little guide you should try:

  • Spread the edible kernels on a white sheet or any baking sheet.
  • Let them dry for 3-5 days till the time they become crunchy.
  • After drying, roast the moringa seeds for 10-15 minutes.

Make sure your oven is preheated and at a low temperature.

How to Eat Moringa Seeds in a Diet? 

Now comes the fun part when you have made your moringa seeds ready for consumption. Here are some mindblowing ways you can have them as a part of your diet:

Add Them to your Smoothies and Shakes 

  • Take plenty of moringa seeds and add them as an ingredient to your smoothie or milkshake.

This will not only provide a slightly crunchy taste and texture to your favorite smoothies but also give an instant nutritious boost.

Add Them as a Topper to Your Salads and Other Starters

From salads to soups, you can consume moringa seeds as a cherry on top. Here’s how: Sprinkle a handful of seeds over your soup or salad. This will help with elevating your soup’s and salad’s already high nutritional rate.

Use Them in Your Delicious Desserts   

Yes, you can add moringa seeds to your cakes, brownies, muffins, breads, chocolate bars, and other desserts by hitting two targets with one shot: delicious treats and nutritional value.

Make a Seed Snack Out of Your Moringa Seeds

  • Roast your moringa seeds and carry them in an air-tight container for times when you feel low energy. They will not only ignite your power cells but also make for really convenient on-the-go nutrition.
  • You can fry your moringa seeds in butter or ghee, and have it like your go-to snack.  

How Many Moringa Seeds to Eat

  • If you are a beginner, start with 3-5 seeds a day and see how it works for you. Once you get used to the seeds, build up the quantity gradually.
  • Keep in mind that moringa seeds contain properties that help with body cleansing. So, when you consume them for the first time, you might feel unwell, but that is just your body getting rid of the toxins.
  • Overall, a handful of seeds per day is more than enough.

Benefits of Eating Moringa Seeds

● Keeps your sugar levels balanced

For people having issues with insulin, moringa seeds are your go-to home remedy medicine. They have a large amount of zinc and iron that helps with keeping your insulin levels in check. 

● Protects Your Cardiovascular System

Moringa seeds are undoubtedly amazing for your heart. According to scientists, having moringa seeds regularly can less the number of oxidised lipids in your body.

● Contains the Majority of Antioxidants

With over 30 types of antioxidant properties, Moringa seeds help your body maintain health. From vitamins A, B, and C to other kinds of free busters, these seeds prevent your body from oxidative damage.

● Great for Digestion

Since these seeds are a great source of fibre, they help with digestion.

● Improves Your Eyesight

Being abundant with vitamin A, moringa seeds and powder help people who have low eyesight.

● Improves Your Skin and Hair Game

As discussed earlier, moringa seeds have over 30 types of antioxidant properties that help with anti-inflammation. So, they help you age like a fine wine.

● Mental Benefits of Eating Moringa Seeds

While helping you boost your energy levels, moringa leaves and seeds help with a calm state of mind and a sense of well-being.

● Wound Healing

According to a study, the oil from moringa seeds helps heal wounds faster as they help increase collagen found in your injuries.

Being high in oleic acid, moringa is great for wound healing.

● Helps Reduce Edema

Fluid accumulation, also known as edema can be inhibited using moringa oil. Hence, the study has only been done on animals, it can’t be said how it will work on humans.

● Helps Reduce Asthma Attacks

Moringa seeds help with reducing the intensity of asthma attacks in humans. According to a study, subjects were given 3 grams of finely grounded moringa seed consistently for 3 weeks. At the end of the 3rd-week mark, people who consumed moringa showed more progress in three different quantities of exhaled air.

● Improves Bone Health

Since moringa is a great source of calcium, vitamin K, protein, and phosphorus, all the great nutrients that make your bones stronger and healthier.

If you suffer from joint pain or other bone disorders, consuming moringa can help lessen the effect to a large extent.

● Helps With Amenia and other Cell Diseases

With a high amount of iron present in moringa, it can help your body produce more red blood cells if you consume it.

How Long Does it Take for Moringa to Start Working?

How long it will take moringa to work depends on the reason why you are consuming it. For example, if you are consuming moringa to manage your insulin levels, you will experience the results faster than if you were consuming it to lose weight.

So here’s how long it will take for moringa to work, depending on your reasons:

1. For Hair Growth

When it comes to your hair, you will start seeing the benefits of moringa after one month of consuming it consistently.

A research study showed that moringa provided hair health benefits when people took it for more than thirty days (on average).

2. For Blood Sugar Levels

People who take moringa to manage their blood sugar can reap the benefits in a few hours. Since moringa has antioxidant properties, it helps maintain your insulin levels efficiently.

3. For Weight Loss

It becomes quite complicated for people who consume moringa to lose weight. They tend to get impatient and do not follow other necessities to lose weight while relying completely on moringa. But, you need to understand that it takes at least two months for moringa to work on the grounds of losing weight.

According to a study, people who consume moringa along with a diet plan and regular exercise tend to lose more weight than people who cut out on moringa.

4. For Mental Health

Moringa helps with anxiety and depression. Having said that, according to a 2015 animal study, subjects who had moringa along with their anti-depressant pills got to see more positive results than those who relied on anti-depressant medications alone.

Final Thoughts

If we had to define moringa in four words it would be, “Miracle Nutrient-Dense Plant”. From offering you plenty of health benefits like lowering your cholesterol levels, managing sugar spikes, and helping with obesity, and other chronic diseases as well, to helping with mental issues like anxiety and depression, moringa is no less than a miracle.

You can have moringa in plenty of ways, as your popcorn-kinda snack as well as a nutrition add-on to your favorite food.

When it comes to the amount of time moringa takes to start working, it depends on your objective behind consuming it in the first place.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much moringa is safe to consume?

You can consume up to 2000mg/kg of Moringa leaf extract. So, if you weigh under 120 pounds, 108 grams of moringa would work fine for you.  

2. Can Moringa help me sleep?

If you have been facing problems with your sleep, here’s the good news: moringa can help you sleep. According to a theory, moringa directly or indirectly contains tryptophan.

Tryptophan is known to impact the amount of serotonin your body produces. So, concludingly, it has a major impact on your sleep.

Not only that, but it also helps you sleep like a baby by improving the quality of your sleep.

3. Can moringa help with my cholesterol levels?

Yes, moringa can undoubtedly help with your cholesterol levels. Several studies have been done on both humans and animals that have proved moringa to drastically impact your cholesterol level, that too, in a very short span.

While helping with decreasing your cholesterol, moringa can also decrease the cholesterol in your eggs. There was a very interesting study done on chickens that proved this. Here’s how it went:

120 chickens had moringa leaves mixed with their feed at different doses. After some time, when the cholesterol in their eggs was measured, the antioxidants increased, while their cholesterol decreased.

4. What are the other uses of moringa apart from their health and mental benefits?

Apart from health and mental benefits, moringa is also used to boost food security, and combat malnutrition among infants and new mothers.

The Moringa leaf powder has also been used as a wastewater conditioner for dewatering human waste.

All in all, it’s miraculous how a single plant can provide so much to humankind and the environment.

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