Arched back? causes and condition

Arched Back

Arched back in the medical term called Hyperlordosis.  It is when the lower back is curved too much. The spine arches and the muscles in the back are additionally strained and get out of balance, then slowly become weak. It can affect balance and in turn, can contribute to back pain.

Arched Back can come on suddenly, when it hits, it is a sharp pain and can seem to come from nowhere. The pain comes in waves, some days it is dull and others it hurts.

Condition due to the arched back

When your pain is due to strain you may have a muscle spasm in your back that will cause sharp pain. Sometimes the pain is localized, it might seem to come from a particular part of your back, like your upper left side.

You may feel a pain that might make it difficult to walk or sit. On other days you may have pain that is as if shooting down your back.

An arched back is a sharp, shooting pain. It is similar to numbness or burning pain that is focused on one spot. The spot that is in pain is called the sciatic nerve area.

It is the nerve area that makes up the back of your back, the nerve runs under the buttocks and runs down the back of your leg.

The pain in your back can be debilitating, you will feel it all the time, but for some, it can come and go. And sometimes it is long and persistent. On other days, it can come and go or be intermittent.

It can be a dull pain that just comes and goes a pain that comes and goes or a burning pain that can feel like a sun burning. Some days it can feel like a dull pain, on others, it feels like a shooting pain.

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Back pain Causes

  • First, backache could be caused by excessive weight, especially in the stomach area. If you are overweight, diet and exercise, get on a reduced intake of food and water.
  • Strenuous activities could cause pain, this could be such pain when lifting heavy objects. Do not lift any object heavier than 10 lbs without a lifting harness.
  • Excessive heat could be a cause of pain; a severe backache could be the same. This could be caused by the way you sleep on a mattress that is too soft and firm. What are the causes of a “soft” mattress?
  • Excessive lifting of objects could be a cause of back pain. Try not to lift any object that is more than 20 lbs, the weight of any object should be safe.
  • Finally, the cause could be inactivity. Lack of exercise might cause a weakness in your back muscles, which can cause an arched back.

Important Exercise for arched back and back pain

Make sure you exercise regularly and go to your exercise program. Inactive muscles can become tight and cause back pain.

You should not have to live with this pain. Start the treatment now. If your pain gets worse or seems not to be getting better you should seek help.

The problem could be in your thighs, legs, buttocks, or even your feet. If your feet are very painful and you have nerve pains go get medical attention.

Pain can go with sitting and standing. Sitting can cause sharp pain while standing cause it is an extension of the shooting pain. For the sciatic nerve, it is a sharp pain that is more intense sitting or standing.

Pain can make you want to move. Standing can make you want to just hold your position, but if you do this it can cause pain in your legs, hips, and buttocks.

Some people, particularly people with spinal injuries, cannot stand or can only stand by bending or twisting. It is best to take a break from standing and lie down.

In the past, we thought of the pain as coming from the back itself, but in reality, the pain comes from the sciatic nerve area.

sciatic nerve

The sciatic nerve gives sensation to your legs, hips, and buttocks and it can become pinched or compressed. This can cause pain and numbness.

Sciatic nerve pain is painful and it can make you want to not be active, even to the extent of not wanting to get out of bed. Sciatic pain is different from lower back pain.

There is no need to take medication for lower back pain and you can just let it be and not get out of bed. Sciatic pain is one of the more painful back pain conditions and it should be treated quickly.

If you take your time, you can reduce the inflammation on your leg, hips, and buttocks that causes sciatic nerve pain. Apply heat and ice, take pain relievers or anti-inflammatories, and try to move around to avoid pain.

However, do not strain yourself to move or exercise. It is best to lie down and relax and avoid standing or getting up. Your sciatic pain will ease and go away for most people after about a week. If it does not go away in the first few days, see a healthcare professional for further treatment and advice.

back pain

How to avoid arched back

You can avoid arched back by developing a good posture. By good posture I mean not one or two, but many good and bad postures, which you can perform many times in one day. In other words, you can practice many good and bad postures to your advantage.

The most common mistake is to assume that you are supposed to have a certain position in the body. A simple mistake, you may say. And you are right if you follow the principle of ‘less is more. Less is more is great advice for your health, because the less you do, the better you will get, that’s it.

The mistake is to assume that the position you assume tells you how it is supposed to feel. And that is a mistake, too. It is often assumed that if you try to change the way you present yourself or how you move your body, the result will be satisfactory.

Well, you can’t change how your muscles work. And when your muscles are not working well, back pain occurs. The position you assume and how you move your body can both be effective, it is just a matter of where you place the pressure.


Say you stand on a platform. Now, one leg is extended. You can move your foot forward or back in one second and the pressure on the foot is equal on both sides, thus you assume a straight leg position.

It is one of the most common ways to present the body. Your leg is assumed to be straight. Now try to move your foot forward at the same time as extending your elbow.

It is difficult, isn’t it? Try it. But do not try to extend your elbow and the foot at the same time. That will not be good for your back. You have to apply equal pressure on both parts and voila. Then you have a good posture. You are good to go.

So you are saying, what’s the harm in practicing good posture as long as I can avoid bad posture? The harm comes from the other bad posture you may assume as you move about. For example, you assume that if your neck is rounded forward you get all back pain.

That’s not true. You may assume but it does not necessarily follow that the spinal muscles do as well. That is why there are specific exercises for bad posture.

What do you do to get your spinal muscles ready for exercise?

One of the exercises to ease spinal muscle tension is just like a massage. You lie on your back and the therapist puts his hands around the vertebrae at the side of your body.

That loosens the muscles so that they are less tight. Then he does an upward and downward motion of the fingers. Repeat as often as needed.

Second Exercise

The second exercise is like the one you did in the gym. Put your arms out to the side and push the fingers into the back of the shoulder. Hold that for 20 seconds then relax. Repeat as often as needed.

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The third is a stretch

Extend your right leg as far as you can and try to touch your toes. That is just a stretch and does not affect the vertebrae. Your fingertips should gently press into the bone. Hold that for 20 seconds. Repeat as often as needed.

The fourth Exercise for the arched back

The fourth exercise is a straight leg raise. You lie on your back and your legs are straight. The therapist will help you move your legs up and down to loosen the muscles. Hold that for 20 seconds then relax. Repeat as often as needed.

Fifth Exercise

The fifth is for the chest and stomach. You lie on your back on the therapist’s table. Your hands are on the table and press your palms into your sides. That increases the blood flow to the muscles in the chest and stomach. That will relieve the tension. Repeat as often as needed.

The other side of the body is the neck and shoulders. That is the part that is difficult for people to bend forward. In this exercise, the therapist will work on the front of your neck and the back of your shoulders.

You can use your thumbs or fingers to press on your shoulders. The pressure will work the spine gently. Repeat as often as needed.

The final exercise for the neck is the shoulder shrug. You must take a towel or thick cloth and lay it on your back. That will help the tissues ease the pressure.

Then you will lift one arm and then the other. Your arms should move up and down lightly. Hold that for 20 seconds then relax. Repeat as often as needed.

After the exercises, you will feel the ease of the tension coming off your body. Also, the pain will be gone.

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